This is us
What do you do, if the creation of a Prog-Rock-Concept-Album ranks high on your lifetime-achievement-bucket-list, and you have just reached your fifties?
You take your chance, when the starts align and opportunity shows in form of a hugely talented young musician. Enter stage: Lajosch Schrot - an extremely prolific writer of good riffs and melodies, with absolutely no urge to write lyrics. And that's wehre I join the show with some rudimentary lyric-writing skills.
We have known each other since a teacher-student-relationship a few years ago and have always shared a deep passion for music in general and for the Prog-Rock-Genre specifically. I grew up listening to the likes of YES, Genesis and Marillion, so musically it was mother´s milk. I bridged the generation-gap by throwing tons of albums at poor Lajosch, who soaked it all up like a sponge.
After several shared years in a cover band, the forces of passion broke through and a plan was made: A Concept-Album. We embraced the full package, so the storyline is classic Prog-Rock: Aliens arrive at the earth, inspect it, meet people and leave, cause it's such a fucked-up place. They leave without helping - the reason being: humankind seems to be a hopeless case! Maybe not a story of breath-taking originality but a big one, addressing some of the fundamental questions of the human condition.
So Lajosch started to write songs, I wrote some lyrics and song after song, story after story poured out of our by now seriously infected brains.
Using a dual-use studio/rehearsal-space surely helped with the recording in-between our daily routines. So we are amateurs, hopefully in the best sense of the word! That being said: We are quite proud of what we've achieved!
According to the overall concept of the album, we chose to use AI in the making of it, expecting that it will make forms of natrual intelligence obsolete in years to come: the text "basic facts about planet earth" is created by Chat-GTP and spoken by Narakeet text to speech generator. The cover pictures are generated by DALL-E and Stable Diffusion AI.
And we had some help of other talented, kind people, primarily in the solo - and vocal-department. They helped to boost the quality of our songs in the most wonderful way - thanks a lot!!!
So here it is - our debut: Play it loud and enjoy! Hopefully there is more to come (if the alines allow).
Markus&Lajosch, refusing to be pessimists...